Pegasus Login Information
*Ensure that DNS entry is updated*
The login nodes, which should be used only for submitting jobs, file-transfers, software compilation, and simulation preparation are accessible as
NOTE: To access this cluster you must either be on the GW network from one of the networks listed below and/or be connected to the GW VPN. For more information about the GW VPN please go to Also, you will not be able to ssh from the old cluster to this new one.
The two current login nodes can also be directly accessed as
. You can use SSH, or SCP/SFTP to connect.
On campus
Wireless Connection - With your GW NetID and email password connect to GWireless or eduroam. This will allow you to access the cluster.
Wired Connection – The following locations are allowed to access Colonial One via ethernet. If you are on campus and have a wired connection and the below is not listed, please email
- Ross Hall
- Stuart, Bell, and Lisner Hall
- Corcoran & Sampson Hall
- GWSPH - 950 NH, B1-7th floors
- GWSPH – 2175K ST., 2nd & 5th floors
- Science & Engineering Hall (SEH) – Floors B2 – 5 & 7th Floors
Off campus or on campus
Connect to the GW VPN - Once connected, ssh to the cluster like you normally would.